Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A History of Cell Phones

I recently got to thinking about how many different cell phones B and I have had since we got our first ones. B is a little harder to keep up with than I am. He absolutely lives for the next technology that he will buy whether it be phones, TVs, or video games. I went to a high school where the students were pretty well-off and already had cells while in high school. My parents didn't let me have one until right before I started college in 2003.

Behold, my first cell phone:

I loved this classic Nokia brick phone. It was so simple. Butt dialing was prevalent though. The lock function is such a thing of the past.

Next B and I both got Samsung Blasts. I think he got one first and then I decided that it was cool and got the exact same one. It was a pretty awesome slider phone. The only problem is the buttons would stick. As far as I remember, these two phones were the only phones I had until 2009 while I was in post-bac. 2009 was apparently a very bad year for cell phones. This phone I accidentally washed in the washer. I tried using a blow dryer on low and taking out the battery and putting it in a bowel of rice to soak up the water, but the phone was already dead.

I was documenting a day of a life as a post-bac student and hey, there's my trusty cell phone.

My next phone was the Motorola V290. I loved this phone because it had a nice, heavy feel to it and lots of cool extras like a nice camera. It started getting a bit buggy sometimes took forever to dial out. This poor phone. I was in the premed society in post-bac and decided to volunteer for charity event put on by the MS Soceity called a "Mud Run".  My phone slipped out of my pocket while I was adjusting one of these:

Yeah, it was a goner for sure. Sidenote: I would really like to actually participate in one of these mud runs one day, preferably on a warm day, anyone with me on that? So, at that point I decided that enough was enough and purchased cell phone insurance. Since I've been a bad, bad girl with phones and I really only need a simple phone, here is my current phone:

Sony Ericson, metallic green flip phone. This phone is simple but still has a lot of great features. It is starting to have some issues dialing out though. Still going strongish.

Meanwhile B has this phone:

The Nexus One.

I hope to inherit this one day when we have enough money to buy B a new phone...he's not tired of this one yet, but like I said, he's always looking for that next, upgraded piece of technology. Now I will definitely need some good insurance on this phone. Yikes I would cry if I broke this $500 phone.

I enjoyed this fun trip down memory lane...I can't believe I've owned 4 different cell phones


Anonymous said...

On the mud run--they're a total blast, I can usual get Chadd to do one or two of them with me a year. Even if it's cold weather (ours have been in 70 degree then 55 degree weather), it's not too bad. You warm up with the other obstacles--but definitely leave the phone at the bag check :)

Heather said...

I so remember that Nokia phone except in high school of course mine had a dolphin cover on it....don't be jealous. HA!
Heather @

A Compassionate Calling said...

Oh yeah, I had a couple of different cases on my Nokia too. Nothing wrong with dolphins..hehe.

Kelly said...

Your first phone looks a lot like mine! My parents got me one when I started driving at 16, and I was the coolest kid at school! Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog! Please check back. And I'm your newest follower! :)
